Uploading videos and setting up privacy and embed settings in Vimeo:
To upload a video to Vimeo, click the “Upload” button in the top right corner of your browser window. You can “choose files to upload”, drag and drop from your computer, or use one of the cloud based services listed to upload your video content. Multiple videos can be uploaded simultaneously if desired.
For guidelines on preparing videos for streaming and embedding visit https://vimeo.com/help/compression
How to set up privacy settings in Vimeo:
Once your video is uploaded, click “Edit settings” to access the video settings. Once in video settings, under the “Embed” tab, we recommend the following preferences as shown to minimize clutter and provide a seamless experience for your audience. After you have selected your desired preferences click “Create preset from these settings” so these settings can be applied to future videos.
After creating your embed preset, go to “Account Settings” and click on the “Videos” tab.
- Under “Privacy Settings”, select hide the videos from vimeo.com. If you want to apply settings to previously uploaded videos, check “Also apply to all existing videos” and then click “save as default”.
- Under “Embed Settings”, select “Only on sites I choose” & type in the URL of the domain where your e-learning content is hosted. Save as default in a similar fashion to your privacy settings.
- Under “Choose embed preset to apply to your videos”, select the embed preset you created previously and save as default.
These default settings will now apply to any future videos you upload.
For more information on Vimeo’s privacy settings visit https://vimeo.com/help/faq/managing-your-videos/privacy-settings